There will be entries in this blog that are of serious scientific inquiry.. For there are swarms of questions in mine head.. And then there will be posts that belie poetic license like that of a paranoid schizophrenic on DMT. Yet, from a skewed vantage point become Parables like that of the bearded spaceboy from Sothis. I’ll never nowhich and I’ll always be slangin the language so far left of center that Wernicki and Broca flee in excise. The language evolving anew will set thine mind free.. As I grow a wingspan through new alphabets my message will be like the chaos of a fractal containing all the answers from none of the questions and creating more questions then there were ever answers for..
Y’see, it’s already started..
My point is simple; simplictiy masked in intricacies better left unsaid until now.. This is an experiment in the search for 'voice'.. Starting out, I'm like the child that's found a new toy. Fearful at how foreign it's immediacy is yet curious enough for repeated examinations. These repeated fondlings, albeit rough cursory glances that end in fearful relinquishing and fleeing to safe harbor, yield a knowledge of the new toy that allows some hidden imaginative facade to emerge. I say facade because the reality of the relationship of the toy and it's externality are only discovered once the toy defines the 'outside' world. until this object (and others like it) entered the child's world it was all but an internal playground with virtually no rules... This toy teaches the rudiments of control and action and inevitable creative bursts of development along lines of thrust normally perserved for instinctual demands during sustenance and potty time.. This toy gives the child significance through possession.. After all aren't we all defined by some possessionz? Anyway, the experiment is realatively new and what is presently coming out is, like I said previously, a different language.. hopefully, the taming of this new language will allow my newfound voice streams of consciousness from vantage points supra-ordinary. Thus giving flight to story concepts and harsh crticisms and crass inquiries into the dynamix of existenz..
I mean shit, I'm a reader.. Whaddya expect from a reader? Thought extruded from obscure traipsing through withered hearts and dead souls communicated from squigglies on pulped trees. Some minds, still living, have their say as well. All gathering for the concert of new individualism in the head to the child with a new toy..
So, yeah.. Bare with me as I delve into all things outside hoping only to create more questions and deliver heightened awareness through never really finding any answers..
To embrace the constant of fluctuation without acknowledging stasis is a fierce ride on a protean beast..
Some reading? (From Huge Entity)
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