Five holes brings bovines
Six holes??? Thesatyrinduskandcoil...
He's disillusioning my child-like faith in story book reading.....
A very ametuer attempt on my person.....The bellows of La and Fa
Allow me to introduce myself...My name is Mud
How trite can one be with these simple lip gesticulations???
An individuals perspective on the sanity of society is based on the normalcy, with which that person identifies, in others the idiosyncracies and neurotic quirks. At present it is the familiarity that prompts one to speculate on the sanity within a given culture. I ask to some loiterer "What percentage of the population do you presume sane?" And that person will automatically (Automaton-like) evaluate in the frame of likenesses or akin features that he/she recognizes in any given circumstances or instances that come to mind. Why is this?? What iota of recognition allows for one person (the aggregate demanding the label appropriate) to categorize "reality" sane??? It is a condition of measure that is calibrated upon the gestures and actions of other beings. One crucial area that is absently overlooked is the increasing amount of change that betroths the human realm. Does this not alter the reality we so avidly promulgate as sane.??? Moreover, how can one person deal in the undulations that shift sane realities into insane realities. There is of course the equilibrium we all share biologically, sociologically and psychologically
Is there a constant within the cellular structure of the human physiology?? No!! The only stasis that forms is from the bevy of mitosis morphology which mirrors a diametrically opposed conflict of death and rebirth. From this interplay of cell destruction and regeneration we have a homeostatic environment. So, is the sane person really sane???
Is the sane person in absolutes with his neurotic ball he calls a world; A reality??? The sane person introduces the inflated subconscious to psychology. And who 'Praytell' is the sane calling the Sane, Sane???
Not me, says I
because I've got two eyes, two brains, and one mind.
Such a convoluted state - the versions of smack lofted from one side to the other.
During the day you will approach the frog many times in utterance of worship...You will ask it to to perform rituals and miracles for you.. And at the same time you will be carving a crucifix for its sacifice.....
Nobody, well maybe not no body, but, the many never seem to take into account the similarities and coincidance that surrounds them.. Allow me to demonstrate with the help of some information I've just stumbled across...
The sacred and esoteric measurements of the pyramids detailed by Piazzi Smyth in 1864 reveal such frightening connections to space time, foundations in histories preceding and receding, and mathematical conjunctions that one can't help but to be frozen for a few milliseconds in their drone time..
Cheops, of course:
The base is square;
Each side measures 232 meters;
originally, the height was 148 meters;
if we convert to sascred Egyptian cubits we obtain a base of 366---The number of days in a leap year.
The height multiplied by 10 to the ninth gives the distance between the Earth and the Sun----148 kilometers
A good estimate at the time considering it is now measured by us moderns at 149 and half kilometers..
The base divided by the width of one of the stones is 365
The perimeter of the base is 931 meters----Divide this by twice the height and yoou get 3.14
And what number is this boys and girls???
But WAIT,...there's more..
The height of the pyramid Cheops is equal to the square root of the sum of the areas of all its sides.
the measurement must be made in feet as the foot is much closer to the Egyptian and Hebrew cubit than the meter which, was an abstract length created in modern times..
The Egyptian cubit comes to 1.728 feeet...
What is the Pyramidion boys and girls?
The Pyramidion was the small pyramid set atop the large pyramid and made of some kind of reflective metal possibly Gold..
If we do not know the precise height of the Pyramid we can use the Pyramidion...
Take the height of the pyramidion..
multiply it by the height of the whole pyramid...
multiply the total by 10 to the fifth..We obtain the circumference of the Earth.
If you multiply the perimeter of the base by 24 to the third divided by 2 you get the Earth's radius
The area of the base of the pyramid multiplied by 96 times ten to the eighth gives us.....
196,810,000 square miles which is the surface area of the Earth...
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