In an unforseen development of Einstein's work, we see ourselves converted into enrgy spent upon communication...
And what is being communicated?
Our imagination....
Deacules stands on one leg, stiffened, then the other..Producing a sort of sway. Waver if you will.. His mind is yearning to articulate what his senses suck in unremittingly.. He can't though. So, he just stands there.. Waiting to interject some bland response to remind everyone that he's still there and interested in the conversation that moves, sometimes, in a circle, sometimes diagonally, sometimes on the edge of a blink or the smell of anothers breath.. The laughter turns the subjects into lithe demons that clog coherency and facilitate meaninglessness.. Deacules shifts and , midshift, wonders why, still, he stands mute.. Fear, that his puerile perceptions won't be understood..He shifts again.. He asks himself, over and over again it seems, what could I say.. What could I say without trigging that badgering nag of conscious and its blathering incorrigible sidekick Sensitivity.. I know, he thinks, I'll just revel in the observation, the antics I perform while I stand here in my mime charade.. And what I take away is nothing I've given in to.. Ghost crowd my queititude, and without a shreik or even a tear I break back into the single file line that moves back into the machine.. To step outside this droning hive for a glimpse at what it produces only exhibits neurotic nuance and the shedding of worn automated motions that leave synthetic skin for the breeze..
A cross between a moan and a scream.. that is where I politely stand waiting for the nicotine to stain my fingers..
To be part of the Big Bang.. Only a mission to expand.. Extrude.. Exuviate..
the light
The sight of my own reflection increases my burn...
carapace... Too thick for one to realize their lonliness
time to go..
time to fly into a palace of wisdom..
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