I have something to say..
It's Better to Burn out...
Than to Fade away...
Kurgan, from Highlander
Unfortunately, I'm not burnin out or fadin away but just kinda comatose.. I'm not blazin a trail down that road of excess where all those wisemen are partyin in some palace.. Nope.. being semi comatose, I'm Aware of this last fact nonetheless, which makes my situation unbearable at times.. But, still, I preservere.. Searching for that voice far beneath all the chatter; that clear and impinging voice that will bring me to my wits end for some visual cue as to what the hell is going on..
Maybe that's exactly what's giong on.. Hell's burnin out for me.. Morning Star's playground set fire.. I could probably take this further if I beleived in hell, but, I don't.. Hell is a Christian construct to lure otherwise 'heathen' folk and infidels to the 'right' side.. There's a great book out called A History of Hell by Alice Turner that follows it's inception into the thrall of mass fear and indirect worship..
All the religious peeps are probably irritating right now, scratching at their already unsettled nerves by that last comment.. But, if you think about it; come at it from a different angle, you could actually see the fool worship in a concept like hell.. To imagine something and then define it and then evolve it through time is tried and true method of creation.. And as you woo your little fledgling concept through the trails of ownership and restituion and deliverance aren't you, in way, worshipping that process that thing? Consciously passing energy into it that it's progress be pure and bring goodness to those potentially worthy of the cause? Praying, Praytell? This is all just jibber-jabber though.. I've found that human beings are expert markscritters when targeting their own personal hells.. Especially hell-bent religious folk with psalms for minds..
Don't get me wrong, I am a religious person.. Wholeheartedly, religious. It's just from a more biological, and supraorganismic perspective.. This planet is my higher power.. It's my home.. I'm not dumb enough to mistake that blatant fact.. Ain't never been to heaven; ain't never been to hell.. But, I've walked the Earth some an she's a beaut.. Yeah She!
Better to burn out than to fade away.. take that original comment and imagine a giant hulking wilderbeast somewhere on the Savannah.. Now imagine a greedy fat little shit-eating fly on it's back.. The fly's been there for quite some time hoppin about slurpin up as much wilderbeast sweat as it can fit in it's putrid fly thorax.. Now follow the subconscious parasymptomatic impulse for the wilderbeast's tail to shoo the ass-faced fly.. follow it from the Wilderbeast's brain to the beginning of the 'swish' motion.. Now this has happened many times before but this time there is accuracy.. And the Fly is no more..
We seem to be the fly in the above scenario.. Humanity at it's current obsessed, prejudiced, yum juncture..
I always find it funny, nay, hilarious when some paid-off scientific egg-head or some conceded egotician says that our effect on this planet is miniscule; that our potential to rape and destroy the ecosystem is actually the equivalent of a dirty little fly on a wilderbeasts ass (without the tail factored in of course.. Sciences Wilderbeast has no tail). My question is always pretty straight forward - How do you know this? Is there another race EXACTLY like us that you can measure that horseshit by? I mean, that's the only way we'd actually know the effects we're having on this planet right? We're a unique species that CREATED TIME don't forget.. Yes, time is a construct of the human brain.. And this is how we're measuring our effects on the planet...
yeah, sure.. Keep beleiven you got it all under control assholes.. This is probably why the road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom; simple foresight of impending doom from individuals like W.Blake tethered to the hindquarters of an effete mass of schism parading as a master species galloping in quickstand..
The Tail came in the middle of the night..
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