Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Like a laser manifesto make a manneguin melt..

More Sooner than Later..
Enoch Out
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
This jam is real..
Monday, March 20, 2006
mY BrAiN isn't WorKinG RitE tooDAY
Thursday, March 16, 2006
A prickle of a man on a vibrating bed of silk...

Anyway, the experiment is realatively new and what is presently coming out is, like I said previously, a different language.. hopefully, the taming of this new language will allow my newfound voice streams of consciousness from vantage points supra-ordinary. Thus giving flight to story concepts and harsh crticisms and crass inquiries into the dynamix of existenz..
I mean shit, I'm a reader.. Whaddya expect from a reader? Thought extruded from obscure traipsing through withered hearts and dead souls communicated from squigglies on pulped trees. Some minds, still living, have their say as well. All gathering for the concert of new individualism in the head to the child with a new toy..
So, yeah.. Bare with me as I delve into all things outside hoping only to create more questions and deliver heightened awareness through never really finding any answers..
To embrace the constant of fluctuation without acknowledging stasis is a fierce ride on a protean beast..
Some reading? (From Huge Entity)
1ear 2horns 3eyes 4mouths...

I have something to say..
It's Better to Burn out...
Than to Fade away...
Kurgan, from Highlander
Unfortunately, I'm not burnin out or fadin away but just kinda comatose.. I'm not blazin a trail down that road of excess where all those wisemen are partyin in some palace.. Nope.. being semi comatose, I'm Aware of this last fact nonetheless, which makes my situation unbearable at times.. But, still, I preservere.. Searching for that voice far beneath all the chatter; that clear and impinging voice that will bring me to my wits end for some visual cue as to what the hell is going on..
Maybe that's exactly what's giong on.. Hell's burnin out for me.. Morning Star's playground set fire.. I could probably take this further if I beleived in hell, but, I don't.. Hell is a Christian construct to lure otherwise 'heathen' folk and infidels to the 'right' side.. There's a great book out called A History of Hell by Alice Turner that follows it's inception into the thrall of mass fear and indirect worship..
All the religious peeps are probably irritating right now, scratching at their already unsettled nerves by that last comment.. But, if you think about it; come at it from a different angle, you could actually see the fool worship in a concept like hell.. To imagine something and then define it and then evolve it through time is tried and true method of creation.. And as you woo your little fledgling concept through the trails of ownership and restituion and deliverance aren't you, in way, worshipping that process that thing? Consciously passing energy into it that it's progress be pure and bring goodness to those potentially worthy of the cause? Praying, Praytell? This is all just jibber-jabber though.. I've found that human beings are expert markscritters when targeting their own personal hells.. Especially hell-bent religious folk with psalms for minds..
Don't get me wrong, I am a religious person.. Wholeheartedly, religious. It's just from a more biological, and supraorganismic perspective.. This planet is my higher power.. It's my home.. I'm not dumb enough to mistake that blatant fact.. Ain't never been to heaven; ain't never been to hell.. But, I've walked the Earth some an she's a beaut.. Yeah She!
Better to burn out than to fade away.. take that original comment and imagine a giant hulking wilderbeast somewhere on the Savannah.. Now imagine a greedy fat little shit-eating fly on it's back.. The fly's been there for quite some time hoppin about slurpin up as much wilderbeast sweat as it can fit in it's putrid fly thorax.. Now follow the subconscious parasymptomatic impulse for the wilderbeast's tail to shoo the ass-faced fly.. follow it from the Wilderbeast's brain to the beginning of the 'swish' motion.. Now this has happened many times before but this time there is accuracy.. And the Fly is no more..
We seem to be the fly in the above scenario.. Humanity at it's current obsessed, prejudiced, yum juncture..
I always find it funny, nay, hilarious when some paid-off scientific egg-head or some conceded egotician says that our effect on this planet is miniscule; that our potential to rape and destroy the ecosystem is actually the equivalent of a dirty little fly on a wilderbeasts ass (without the tail factored in of course.. Sciences Wilderbeast has no tail). My question is always pretty straight forward - How do you know this? Is there another race EXACTLY like us that you can measure that horseshit by? I mean, that's the only way we'd actually know the effects we're having on this planet right? We're a unique species that CREATED TIME don't forget.. Yes, time is a construct of the human brain.. And this is how we're measuring our effects on the planet...
yeah, sure.. Keep beleiven you got it all under control assholes.. This is probably why the road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom; simple foresight of impending doom from individuals like W.Blake tethered to the hindquarters of an effete mass of schism parading as a master species galloping in quickstand..
The Tail came in the middle of the night..
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Four holes, brings Pigs...

Five holes brings bovines
Six holes??? Thesatyrinduskandcoil...
He's disillusioning my child-like faith in story book reading.....
A very ametuer attempt on my person.....The bellows of La and Fa
Allow me to introduce myself...My name is Mud
How trite can one be with these simple lip gesticulations???
An individuals perspective on the sanity of society is based on the normalcy, with which that person identifies, in others the idiosyncracies and neurotic quirks. At present it is the familiarity that prompts one to speculate on the sanity within a given culture. I ask to some loiterer "What percentage of the population do you presume sane?" And that person will automatically (Automaton-like) evaluate in the frame of likenesses or akin features that he/she recognizes in any given circumstances or instances that come to mind. Why is this?? What iota of recognition allows for one person (the aggregate demanding the label appropriate) to categorize "reality" sane??? It is a condition of measure that is calibrated upon the gestures and actions of other beings. One crucial area that is absently overlooked is the increasing amount of change that betroths the human realm. Does this not alter the reality we so avidly promulgate as sane.??? Moreover, how can one person deal in the undulations that shift sane realities into insane realities. There is of course the equilibrium we all share biologically, sociologically and psychologically
Is there a constant within the cellular structure of the human physiology?? No!! The only stasis that forms is from the bevy of mitosis morphology which mirrors a diametrically opposed conflict of death and rebirth. From this interplay of cell destruction and regeneration we have a homeostatic environment. So, is the sane person really sane???
Is the sane person in absolutes with his neurotic ball he calls a world; A reality??? The sane person introduces the inflated subconscious to psychology. And who 'Praytell' is the sane calling the Sane, Sane???
Not me, says I
because I've got two eyes, two brains, and one mind.
Such a convoluted state - the versions of smack lofted from one side to the other.
During the day you will approach the frog many times in utterance of worship...You will ask it to to perform rituals and miracles for you.. And at the same time you will be carving a crucifix for its sacifice.....
Nobody, well maybe not no body, but, the many never seem to take into account the similarities and coincidance that surrounds them.. Allow me to demonstrate with the help of some information I've just stumbled across...
The sacred and esoteric measurements of the pyramids detailed by Piazzi Smyth in 1864 reveal such frightening connections to space time, foundations in histories preceding and receding, and mathematical conjunctions that one can't help but to be frozen for a few milliseconds in their drone time..
Cheops, of course:
The base is square;
Each side measures 232 meters;
originally, the height was 148 meters;
if we convert to sascred Egyptian cubits we obtain a base of 366---The number of days in a leap year.
The height multiplied by 10 to the ninth gives the distance between the Earth and the Sun----148 kilometers
A good estimate at the time considering it is now measured by us moderns at 149 and half kilometers..
The base divided by the width of one of the stones is 365
The perimeter of the base is 931 meters----Divide this by twice the height and yoou get 3.14
And what number is this boys and girls???
But WAIT,...there's more..
The height of the pyramid Cheops is equal to the square root of the sum of the areas of all its sides.
the measurement must be made in feet as the foot is much closer to the Egyptian and Hebrew cubit than the meter which, was an abstract length created in modern times..
The Egyptian cubit comes to 1.728 feeet...
What is the Pyramidion boys and girls?
The Pyramidion was the small pyramid set atop the large pyramid and made of some kind of reflective metal possibly Gold..
If we do not know the precise height of the Pyramid we can use the Pyramidion...
Take the height of the pyramidion..
multiply it by the height of the whole pyramid...
multiply the total by 10 to the fifth..We obtain the circumference of the Earth.
If you multiply the perimeter of the base by 24 to the third divided by 2 you get the Earth's radius
The area of the base of the pyramid multiplied by 96 times ten to the eighth gives us.....
196,810,000 square miles which is the surface area of the Earth...
Circa 1986..

I awoke that year with hairspray in my nostrils.. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't asleep the whole year but, dodging and running and skulking in the shadows; trying everything to avert myself from any car stereos playing glam rock in the general vicinity, became a task that drained me of my life blood. Every so often, beleaguered and spent I stumbled to my basement bed for rest..
So I'm in the basement of the three story house I was living in and I awake to the smell of hairspray.. I was scared.. You know how they say cats can awake completely alert and ready to kill or lick their ass if need be? Well, that was me.. I was up on me feet on the bed within milliseconds sniffing the air like a proto human.. Hairspray?! There was fear.. Sure.. After all I'd spent my life picketing, denouncing, name-calling, rioting boycotting all forms of glam rock and glam rock sycophants, so the first thing that came to mind was the possibility that some glam band was near playing some venue nearby..
I stopped and let my left side kick in.. Logic and reason impeccably linear, often impotent to the spectrum of events culminating and fading away from some point because a didn't follow b didn't follow c..
Why would there be a glam band playing near these pathetic cracker box burbs?
No, relieved at the semblance of control that my left side mastered I took it a step further..
The only other theoretically provable explanation for hair spray pervading a 2700 square ft. three story house would be that it was Friday and my sister was goin out..
Look at her.. idn't she cute? Looks just like some exotic bird..
Love ya sis..
Spavined on a cheese stone....
Mass Mind Control through Network Television
Today, I droned.. Just like a good little hamster.. I was on a wheel today and I was goin somewhere.. They injected me with that project juice and I ran.. And ran.. And ran some more..
Then I got off at the end of the day and rode home thinking happy thoughts of the bright new happy day awaiting me tomorrow where I'll run some more..
A cross between a tard drawing a picture and an insect pollinating someflower is where I exist!
The most painful part is knowing........ *knowing* that I'm part of the zombie vampire machine sucking life energies like they were pez dispensers..
Poppin little seeds-a-comatose
Fuck!! There's a pretty hefty rant comin on but I feel I should snuff it with happy thoughts of myself frolicking through fields..
I can see it now.. Big Pharma finally reins in all the morons and idiots out there that are sold on MAN-MADE DRUGS being the solution to the happy life.. So many different colored pills for all occasions.. Ohh wait there's that slutter that still thinks that hallucinogenic plants from the Earth are good for you.. shhhhh don't give him any of our happy pills..
almost always I'm recognized.. I can only play the chameleon for so long before the zombies smell life on me..
So Big Pharma reins in all the stupid people, right? There all happy that they got those chemicals to alter chemicals in the brain.. Wait!!! Wait!!! Let's go back, shall we? Let's go back and read that sentence again..
Chemicals (man made mind you in labs so clean and far removed from reality the only thing more sterile is "fucking" space) to alter chemicals in the brain..
Boy, I can't wait to see the happy side effects of those happy pills in the next 20 years.. It's almost as frightening as these tards that think the electro magnetic fields from major appliances, being so infinitesimal, don't effect you.. Of course you can't see the effects NOW, jackass!?!? No, but, if you survive the next decade you'll have fingers growing out of your forehead and you'll believe that it was caused my overusage of Q-tips or some other stupid shit that makes no sense and never will . But, enlightenment would come had you followed the money and understood the combination of human greed and business..
So Big Pharma's got it's big ass open above you all and all the heads needling under the ass-shadow scurry for the first sign of the nip for suckling.. Except nothing happens.. Oh My!?! But, as you look at all the other tilted puckered ass-heads under the big ass-shadow of Big Pharma, wherever shall I get my happy pills?! Then from the bowels of Big Pharma comes that familiar pre-dump noise and you open wide for the shitpile to form at your feet..
Big Pharma is my friend.. Big Pharma is my friend.. Big Pharma is my...
Sorry folks.. I don't know where the whole big pharma thing came from.. First I was talkin about runnin on the wheel of happiness at work and then some detritus from a big pharma meme squeezed into my frame of reference and like a man shooing gnats I dove tirade..
This rant brought to courtesy of King of Fragmentation...
One more thing..
Thank you oh lord, for the bright white light..
Thank you oh Lord for the bright white light..
A city rises from the sea..
I had a splitting headache
from which,
the future is made..
Monday, March 13, 2006
My blood is humming an ancient tune...

In an unforseen development of Einstein's work, we see ourselves converted into enrgy spent upon communication...
And what is being communicated?
Our imagination....
Deacules stands on one leg, stiffened, then the other..Producing a sort of sway. Waver if you will.. His mind is yearning to articulate what his senses suck in unremittingly.. He can't though. So, he just stands there.. Waiting to interject some bland response to remind everyone that he's still there and interested in the conversation that moves, sometimes, in a circle, sometimes diagonally, sometimes on the edge of a blink or the smell of anothers breath.. The laughter turns the subjects into lithe demons that clog coherency and facilitate meaninglessness.. Deacules shifts and , midshift, wonders why, still, he stands mute.. Fear, that his puerile perceptions won't be understood..He shifts again.. He asks himself, over and over again it seems, what could I say.. What could I say without trigging that badgering nag of conscious and its blathering incorrigible sidekick Sensitivity.. I know, he thinks, I'll just revel in the observation, the antics I perform while I stand here in my mime charade.. And what I take away is nothing I've given in to.. Ghost crowd my queititude, and without a shreik or even a tear I break back into the single file line that moves back into the machine.. To step outside this droning hive for a glimpse at what it produces only exhibits neurotic nuance and the shedding of worn automated motions that leave synthetic skin for the breeze..
A cross between a moan and a scream.. that is where I politely stand waiting for the nicotine to stain my fingers..
To be part of the Big Bang.. Only a mission to expand.. Extrude.. Exuviate..
the light
The sight of my own reflection increases my burn...
carapace... Too thick for one to realize their lonliness
time to go..
time to fly into a palace of wisdom..
Possibilities into Hyperion, Omega, and the dog Eschaton with swollen and sirius eyes out of time in 2006....
Thoreau has something beautiful to say about the incessancy of the person who has read the newspaper of the day. that the difference between this person and yourself is the mere obviousness of the other having seen the paper, been out for a coffee or tea, and we have not. Inward life fails as we display the greater need to explore or depend, really, on extremeties of society (newspapers, post office, zines etc.) The pulp that delivers the others lives. And the one who walks away "..with the greatest number of letters, proud of his extensive correspondence, has not heard from himself in a long while..."
Reality isn't made up of quarks, mu-mesons, and z-particles but of language. Whatever we think reality is, it is an entirly private matter until we describe it--either linguistically, mathematically, through painting, through dance, through inneundo--whatever it is, reality then goes under the formality of actually occuring when it is languaged.....
Kiliachasms of time represent the timelessness of regeneration and we the wet ones are mere byproducts wisking through the evolutionary stages of chrysalis, an ectoplasmic chrysalis with the other side of this multidimensional, though supremely subversive, light dance. Psychpompous as the Greeks would say is the path of the mind in its self creating adhesiveness to the information titilations of a holo-vision.....
HOLOS, what we perceive,
creates MYTHOS, what we believe,
creates ONTOS, what we are, which in turn,
creates MYTHOS, what we believe,
creates HOLOS.....
Big Bang (or tenth dimensional collapse)
Pure plasma of electrons from a cooling universe
Levels of complexity crystallizing upon crystallizing
Electrons settle around atomic nuclei
Atomic Physics
Atoms codense into stars
At the center of those stars intense pressure and temperature...
Iron, Sulphur, and Carbon
Carbon=four valent quality
Molecular complexity
Early replicating molecules
Prokaryotes (earliest non-nucleated cells)
Nucleated Cells-Eukaryotes
Clusters of Colonies
Colonies of Cells
Earliest organisms
More Complex Organisms
Binocular, Bipedal Primates with opposable Thumbs
Language using, Mushroom using, orgiastic Humans
Twentieth Century
Global Organism--The Omega PointPure Conscious Energy.....
Rhino Pups

Now, some latch quickly onto the ever-so easy *conspiracy* write-off; like those of us that're thinkin this shit just climbed on the kook bandwagon or something?! What the fuck? Could it be that, maybe, there some *feeling* that rattles the marrow; that rings warped and is noticeable and has been recognizably (from afar mind you 1993 to be exact) wrong with society.. I often wonderin amazement at how many still get buy (sic) on the american dream now-a-days.. That greedy consumption that reminds me of termites eating deadwood. When is 'buying crap that you really don't need' enough?
I know, I know, what's the point of all this, this drivel? The attention spans, once tumescent dvining rods, shrink up like flaccid pricks smelling rubber.. It's just not convincing to the little head that it's for protection and security.. But, seriously, what am I trying to say..
I'll tell ya......... Nothin yet.. How's it feel to've wasted that little bit of time?
I've started this blog for two reasons: Ventilation and Reckoning..
I've followed blogs like Tim Bouchers 'Pop Occulture' and Rigorous Intuittion and the Huge Entity looking for novelty and direction and understanding to this unease that riddles every fiber of my being.. I introspect therefore I am.. I'll get the latin for you and title another blog with an in depth discussion on the niceties of observing from the perimeter like a lone satellite waiting to birth new life.. But, until then I have to face up to the fact that fragmented shoddy poetics will suffice until I wake my muse from the *obey* slumber..
Shaftoe Out..
p.s. Under the Ropes...
Some dream he had Inside other Heads
The prison gate shut behind him finally..
the ghosts snickered behind the bars.. 'Good luck' they said
He felt like a sacrifice
completely nude the sweat began to fall on his hot skin..
Was it still earth?
Where was his tormenting shadowing taking him..
he couldn't wait for the night..
Hissss. crackle shctip. hisss.. The shadow had secrets at night.. it told that the surprise at night would make his heart bleed..
It was then that he venture the thought of where his shadow would hide at night..
Then, abruptly, like large truck engine noise after one of Mozarts Piano Concertos , the author ran across a beautiful term that describes so many today..
the derogatory term 'Jackass' has clearly stood the test of time.. Let me ellaborate, I was readin the classic absurdist novel 'The Trial' by Franz Kafka last night at the absurdist hour of 11:44 and I ran across it in that novel.. I was so excited about it that I went out and called my good friend a Jackass and told him about it.. Considering the novel was written in 1925 I'd say that the word Jackass pretty much sums up it's powerful etymology and usage solely by being in a novel at the onset of the Twentieth Century; from a foreign land no less... It is a word that is still in heavy usage today to describe individuals that are clearly complete idiots and/or stupid and/or of slow wit..
There'll be less fragmented thought and more serious inquiry with links, soon folks..
Wait, here's one -