And the Infinite Regress is just one part of Munchhausen's current march through Western Pop-culture.. Civilization for that matter..
An all pervading sadness washed over me today like a million phantom fists appearing from the ether and embedding themselves in my face milisecond by milisecond.. I found out one of my heroes has gone and gotten himself the cancer.. Doesn't seem right that yet another fierce voice of truth from the wild-wilderness starts a downhill slide while elitist demon piglets run amok.. I'm beginning to think, more and more that, Someones version of hell embedded itself in the collective reptillian ante-brain and all the herdlets just line up for the next new technology.. Thus subconsciously perpetuating this pupate of larval shit we call evolution..
I'm nothing special neither.. Usin Double negatives and popping into blogville every spring..
For instance, check out my offerings, I created this frikkin blog 4 goddamn years ago and on average I post, maybe. Maybe twice a year. Once again, I'm here attempting through some wailing banshee-like New Years Resolution to get into some form of structured posting. Hopefully, my newfound needs will chemically alter this habit forming brain of mine and kickstart it toward actually producing some semblance of blog-ance..
Whatever that means..
Let's see if the new shit sticks..
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